WebDev lab 1!
#1 A IP address is a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. It is used to receive and send information.
#2 A domain name is the part of a network address that identifies it as belonging to a particular domain. It relates to a IP address by both being a part of the place where information sent over the internet is received.
#3 HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language
#4 The default page in a website is named the index.html page
#5 the image html tag is -img src=...-
WebDev lab 2!
- What is a server? How is it different than a standard computer?
| - What are the tags needed for HTML tables?
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- What does an iFrame allow you to do?
| - What does the -a- tag do?
| - What does the -tr- tag do?
- A server is somewhere you can store information and access it from anywhere. This is different from a normal computer because a computer simply accsess servers.
- You need the -table- tag used to start and end the table, the -tr- tag to create a table row, and the -td- tag to make table data
- The iFrame allows you to embed another website or part of a website on your website.
- The -a- tag allows you to link another website to your website.
- The -tr- tag makes a row for the table you have made.