Green flag for dance!
Hit space bar for sprite costume change!
Hit j key for broadcasting message
Question #1-Loops What are the types of loops contained in Scratch? What are the differences? There is forever loops which loop for eternity. There are #repeat loops that loop for the number of times that you specify. There are repeat until loops which repeat until a specified event happenes. Question #2-No end in sight If you are given a situation where you want an action to repeat, but you don’t know how long it should repeat for, which loop is the best structure to use? Why? The repeat until because then you can have it repeat until something else happens even if you dont know when that will be. Question #3-Forever Loops Does the following loop structure work? Does it make sense? Why or why not? No it does not work. It doesnt make sense becuase its a forever loop inside a forever loop. It doesnt work becasue the inside loop will just run continuously forever and the beggining loop wil only run once. Question #4-Sprite Communication How can sprites “know” when to begin an action? Is there more than one way? They can know by an event. Whether that be clicking something or pressing a button. Also it can work by a brocasted message from another sprite. Question #5-Conditionals Are the following code snippets equivalent? Why or why not? They are the the same because one of them if straight forward and one of them is a double negative which just does the same as the other one.